Efficient Way To Conduct Academic Research + 10 Tools to Help You

Discover efficient strategies for academic research and explore 10 essential tools that streamline the process.

Efficient Way To Conduct Academic Research + 10 Tools to Help You
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Academic research skills are essential for anyone who wants to write efficiently and effectively, whether it's putting together a paper, summarizing information, or crafting articles with the help of AI. But for many, research can be daunting; where do you start, what sources do you trust, and how do you organize all that information? It's a lot to tackle!
That's where Unriddle's AI research assistant comes in. It provides a valuable tool to help you enhance your writing and write papers, summaries, and articles more efficiently—all while making the academic research process more manageable and enjoyable.

What Is Academic Research?

Academic Research
Academic Research
Academic research involves systematically investigating a problem or situation to identify facts or opinions to assist in solving the problem or addressing the situation. Independent researchers conduct this form of research to find answers to their research goals or questions. It is formal, scientific, and systematic and follows specific procedures to discover the necessary answers. The research is usually based on an existing theory, either supported or rejected based on the research findings.

Academic Research: Focusing on Solving Problems

Academic research is mainly focused on solving problems or situations. It is a form of research guided by existing theories and aims to either support or reject these theories based on the research findings. The intention is to identify facts and opinions that will help solve the problem or address the situation. The research is systematic and follows specific procedures to ensure that the answers needed are discovered.

Academic Research: Applying Scientific Procedures

Academic research uses scientific procedures to discover answers. It is formal, scientific, and systematic and follows a specific set of procedures to ensure that the answers needed are found. The research follows a particular set of procedures and is very formal and scientific. The research aims to identify facts and opinions that will assist in solving the problem or dealing with the situation.

Academic Research: Guided by Theory

Academic research is guided by an already existing theory. The research is systematic in nature and follows a specific set of procedures to discover answers. The research aims to identify facts and opinions that will assist in solving the problem or dealing with the situation. The research is guided by a theory that is either supported or rejected based on the research findings.

What Is The Importance Of Academic Research?

Academic Research
Academic Research
Academic research is a fundamental tool that fosters the development and enhancement of knowledge, playing a critical role in facilitating learning. Engaged by students as well as the broader academic community, academic research helps to advance understanding in a variety of fields. Research objectives and findings are closely linked with knowledge, offering scholars a window into the minds of researchers.
By diving into specific issues from various perspectives, academic research enables scholars to explore topics that have yet to be understood or discussed. Scholars move beyond personal experiences during the research process, gathering evidence grounded in facts and rationality. This process is crucial, as academic research papers pave the way for ongoing discourse and discussions.

Highlighting Issues Through Research

Academic research frequently brings to light various issues prevalent in society. These issues span various topics, such as cultural norms, health, education, and specific practices. For instance, studies focused on mental health or psychological research have the potential to uncover new findings and interventions for addressing ongoing mental health challenges. Similarly, academic research can provide insights into historical perspectives and societal issues, as evidenced by the works of scholars like Edward Said and Frantz Fanon. By shedding light on various societal challenges and phenomena, academic research is a valuable tool for understanding and addressing complex issues.

Promoting Business Growth Through Research

Research plays a critical role in driving growth and innovation in the business world. Market research enables organizations to stay abreast of current trends and adapt their strategies accordingly. Research and development centers within healthcare, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, construction, robotics, aerospace, and aviation focus on product innovation and improvement.
By analyzing market trends and understanding societal needs, businesses can tailor their products to effectively meet consumer demands. This focus on research enables organizations to remain competitive and responsive to evolving market demands.

Fostering Personal Growth Through Academic Research

Academic research also catalyzes personal growth among students. Engaging in research activities helps students cultivate various invaluable skills for their educational and professional development. Students enhance their analytical skills through scholarly research by examining large data sets and formulating meaningful questions.
They learn to focus on key issues, organize their ideas effectively, and develop a more nuanced understanding of complex topics. By immersing themselves in academic research, students cultivate a broader perspective and gain valuable experience in critically evaluating information and ideas.
Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.

Types Of Academic Research

Academic Research
Academic Research

1. Pure Research

Pure research is essential for uncovering new facts and fundamental principles. It is based on experimentation and observation, and results are typically published in peer-reviewed journals. The primary goal of pure research is to explore and expand human knowledge by answering fundamental questions and discovering new facts about the natural world.

2. Applied Research

Applied research aims to solve real-world problems by borrowing ideas and techniques from pure research. While the goals are specific, the methods can be more flexible. Sometimes, valuable discoveries are made unintentionally, a bonus to the research process.

3. Generative Research

Generative research helps define problems and generate ideas before a complete understanding of the topic is achieved. Even when working on existing products or services, generative research can lead to new features through interviews, literature reviews, and field observation.

4. Exploratory Research

Exploratory research aims to investigate research questions and understand the nature of problems for which solutions are unknown. It does not provide final solutions but helps researchers better understand complex problems and change their approach as new data emerges.

5. Descriptive Research

Descriptive research involves conducting surveys and fact-finding inquiries to describe the current state of affairs. It is used to report on events or situations without manipulating variables. Standard descriptive research methods include survey approaches like comparative and correlational studies.

6. Applied and Fundamental Research

Applied research focuses on finding solutions to immediate problems faced by society or industry, while fundamental research formulates theories and gathers knowledge for knowledge's sake. Both types of research contribute to expanding scientific knowledge.

7. Quantitative Research

Quantitative research involves measuring quantity or amount, which applies to all aspects that can be measured in quantity.

8. Qualitative Research

Qualitative research involves exploring quality or kind, focusing on underlying motives and desires. This research delves into attitudes and opinions, behavioral science, and factors affecting human behavior.

9. Conceptual Research

Conceptual research relates to abstract ideas and theories, often used by thinkers and philosophers to develop new concepts or reinterpret existing ones.

10. Empirical Research

Empirical research relies on experience or observation without necessarily adhering to a system or theory. It focuses on data-driven conclusions that can be verified through observation or experimentation.

11. Laboratory Research

Laboratory research occurs in controlled settings and includes chemical, pharmacological, and physics research. It follows specific conditions and provides controlled environments for scientific investigation.

What Is The Academic Research Process?

Academic Research
Academic Research

1. Utilize Unriddle AI

Unriddle is a vital tool that enables users to easily read and write more effectively. This AI-powered platform helps users quickly locate information within documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and enhance writing skills with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Unriddle is a trusted resource utilized by thousands of researchers and students, whether in academic or professional environments.

AI Assistant from Any Document

One of its standout features is the ability to generate an AI assistant directly from any document, allowing users to quickly find, summarize, and comprehend information without extensive skimming. Moreover, Unriddle leverages advanced algorithms to understand the context of your writing, automatically linking you to relevant content you've previously read or written. This feature enables users to effortlessly access previously encountered information, streamlining the research process significantly.

Highlighting and Source Display

Highlighting specific text within a document prompts Unriddle.AI to display the most relevant sources from your library utilizing AI, eliminating the risk of losing vital citations. Additionally, Unriddle offers AI-generated text suggestions to enhance and expand your writing by providing contextually accurate recommendations.

Collaborative Workspace

The platform also boasts a collaborative workspace feature, allowing multiple users to contribute and interact with the same document simultaneously in real time, fostering smooth collaboration and productivity. For those seeking to enhance their research skills and optimize their writing process, Unriddle is an invaluable tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline research tasks and improve writing efficiency.

2. Identify and Develop Your Topic

Selecting a topic for an academic research assignment can be a challenging endeavor. The initial step in writing a research paper is crucial, and choosing the right topic is essential. To aid in selecting an appropriate topic, consider the following tips:
  • Ensure your topic aligns with the assignment parameters outlined by your instructor to avoid potential rejection.
  • Choose a topic that personally interests you, as this can enhance the research and writing experience.
  • Ensure a manageable amount of information is available on your chosen topic through a preliminary search.
  • Strive for originality by selecting a unique and engaging topic.
  • Seek guidance from your instructor if you struggle to identify a suitable research topic.
  • Upon identifying a topic of interest, framing it as a question can provide clarity and facilitate the identification of essential keywords for research.

3. Conduct a Preliminary Search for Information

Before diving into in-depth research, performing a preliminary search can help gauge the availability of information and establish the research context. Utilize keywords in library resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and online databases to ascertain the scope of existing information. Assess the relevance and comprehensiveness of resources available and adjust your topic focus accordingly based on the preliminary findings.

4. Locate Materials

With a clear research direction established, identifying materials related to your topic becomes essential. Consider the following:
  • Conduct a subject search in library catalogs for books relevant to your research.
  • Utilize electronic periodical databases for magazine and newspaper articles.
  • Leverage search engines and subject directories to find online resources.
  • By exploring various sources, you can gather a diverse range of materials to support your research.

5. Evaluate Your Sources

Assess the credibility and quality of information sources using the CARS Checklist for Information Quality. Ensuring the reliability and authenticity of sources is crucial for providing accurate and credible research findings.

6. Make Notes

Engage with selected resources to extract relevant information for your research paper. Document all consulted sources, including author information, publication details, and URLs, to facilitate the creation of a bibliography.

7. Write Your Paper

Organize collected information and create a rough draft to structure your ideas. Revision and refinement of the draft are essential to craft a final paper that meets the assignment requirements and effectively communicates your research.

8. Cite Your Sources Properly

Acknowledge the sources utilized in your research through proper citations to provide credit to the original authors and allow readers to verify your references accurately. Adhering to citation styles such as MLA and APA is crucial to avoid plagiarism.

9. Proofread

Conduct a thorough proofreading of your paper to identify and correct any grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Ensure that all sources are cited correctly and that the intended message is clearly articulated to the reader.

10 Best Tools For Efficient Academic Research

Academic Research
Academic Research

1. Unriddle AI

Unriddle AI is a powerful research tool designed to dramatically enhance your reading and writing experience. This tool operates using AI to help you read faster and write better. Whether you are a student or a seasoned researcher, Unriddle is here to simplify complex topics, take notes, and generate summaries promptly. Imagine having an AI assistant that understands your writing context and automatically links you to relevant information.
No more endless skimming through pages. Unriddle has an AI autocomplete feature that suggests text based on your writing context. Plus, you can collaborate with peers in real time within Unriddle’s workspace. All these incredible features are available for you to explore and leverage. Ready to read faster and write better? Try Unriddle for free today!

2. GanttPro

GanttPro is a handy project and task management tool that simplifies the planning process for researchers, whether working independently or in groups. This tool offers a visually appealing Gantt chart timeline where you can plan all your tasks, monitor progress, and manage deadlines effortlessly. GanttPro allows you to create unlimited tasks, task groups, and subtasks on a single timeline. Whether assigning tasks to your team members or virtual resources, GanttPro is a versatile planning tool that seamlessly fosters collaboration, time tracking, and seamlessly sharing or exporting schedules.

3. Zotero

Zotero is a must-have tool for researchers that simplifies capturing and preserving publication data from various sources. Thanks to its integration with popular word processors, it facilitates efficient citation management and bibliography organization while writing.
One of Zotero’s standout features is its advanced search capabilities, enabling users to perform complex searches easily. Additionally, Zotero’s built-in PDF reader streamlines the identification and extraction of cited quotations and comments. Notably, the tool can identify retracted papers to prevent inadvertent citations. With Zotero, you can enhance your research writing experience significantly.

4. Typeset.io

Typeset.io is a more innovative alternative to traditional word processors like Word and Latex. It features an intuitive interface to kickstart your research, with over 100,000 verified journal formats at your disposal. You can quickly copy-paste or upload your paper on Typeset.io and follow any required citation style.
The platform also offers built-in plagiarism and grammar checkers for error-free writing. Once you have uploaded and cited your work, you can generate a report in seconds by clicking on the autoformat option. With collaboration features integrated, inviting your fellow researchers to the platform for seamless teamwork is a breeze. Typeset.io is your one-stop solution for research writing needs.

5. iThenticate

iThenticate by Turnitin is a go-to online plagiarism checker for researchers and academics seeking to ensure the originality of their manuscripts before submission. This tool employs advanced plagiarism detection technology to compare your submission with a vast database of scholarly content. Upon analysis, iThenticate generates a similarity score and a detailed report, allowing you to rectify any instances of plagiarism.
The platform offers licenses starting at $100 per manuscript, providing multiple plagiarism checks over a year. If you need to assess more than one manuscript, you can opt for an annual license at a higher price. iThenticate guarantees the integrity of your research papers.

6. Scrivener

Scrivener is a versatile tool popular among researchers, writers, students, and professionals for effectively organizing research notes and writing projects. It simplifies long writing projects by breaking content into manageable sections. Screenwriters, novelists, and storytellers benefit from Scrivener’s visual corkboard, allowing for easy visualization and rearrangement of storylines.
The outliner feature tracks your writing progress, word count, and metadata, offering a holistic view of your research articles and files. With folders and subfolders for organization, Scrivener is designed to enhance your research writing experience.

7. Scholarcy

Scholarcy is an innovative AI engine that aids researchers in analyzing research articles effectively. This tool condenses complex research papers into structured summaries, highlighting essential claims, statistics, and references crucial to your work.
Scholarcy also extracts tables, figures, and relevant links from the text, saving hours of manual searching. It is an excellent resource for researchers seeking personalized reading feeds, lay summaries, and smart features to discover relevant research quickly. You can optimize your research process by leveraging Scholarcy’s browser extension or subscription service.

8. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a comprehensive research tool that enables researchers to explore scholarly literature conveniently. This platform allows you to search for articles, theses, books, and more from different sources in one location. Google Scholar also provides insights into related works, citations, authors, and publications, making it easier to keep up with the latest research trends.
By creating a public author profile, you can track citations of your recent publications and stay informed about new developments in your research area. Google Scholar is a valuable resource for researchers seeking to broaden their knowledge base effectively.

9. Paperpal

Paperpal is a multifaceted academic writing tool that offers a range of features to enhance your writing and research process. With language and grammar checks, academic translations, writing recommendations, and technical assessments, Paperpal covers all your writing needs from the initial draft.
Using the Paperpal for Word plug-in, you can improve your language skills while writing in Microsoft Word, receiving real-time suggestions on vocabulary and phrasing. Whether you need to enhance your content, prepare a manuscript for submission, or ensure compliance with journal guidelines, Paperpal has you covered. It is a comprehensive tool for refining your academic writing.

10. R Discovery

R Discovery emerges as a top literature search and reading tool powered by AI technology for researchers. This app offers access to over 100 million research papers from 32,000 journals worldwide. R Discovery customizes your reading feed based on your areas of interest, providing suggestions on top reads, bright summaries, and more.
Whether you seek open-access articles, preprints, or pay-walled content, this app eliminates predatory sources, ensuring you access reliable research. With continuous updates and feature enhancements, R Discovery is your go-to tool for efficiently discovering impactful research.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Use Unriddle's AI Research Tool

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Unriddle. I’ve also copied it below :)

From here, it's pretty simple.
Unriddle helps you read, write and learn faster.
  1. Interact with documents via AI so you can quickly find and understand info.
  1. Then start writing in a new Note and Unriddle will show you relevant content from your library as you type.
  1. Get started by uploading a document.
  1. Or read on for the full rundown.

Interact with documents

notion image
When you upload a document, Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of this data.
Click 'New' in the right sidebar and then select 'Upload' to get started.
Use this assistant to answer specific questions about the text, summarize content and simplify jargon.
The trick is to be super clear about what you want.
If you're summarizing a research paper, for example, instead of saying “Summarize” or “Summarize this research paper”, say something like “Explain this research paper to me in simple terms. What method did the researchers use? What did they find? Why does it matter?”.
The second prompt will produce a much better overview of the paper because we're giving the AI more hints about what we want.

Automatic relations

notion image
Unriddle grasps the context behind each Note and Document in your library and automatically links them based on meaning.
Let's say you have a collection of nuclear physics papers in your library.
When you start writing a note about The Manhattan Project, simply mentioning "The Manhattan Project" will prompt Unriddle to find the connection between this note and the nuclear physics papers.
Even if you didn't explicitly mention the research papers, Unriddle's knowledge of Oppenheimer, his work, and the significant relevance of these papers means it understands the connection and automatically links them together.
In short, Unriddle shows you relevant content from your library at the exact moment you need it, even if you haven't explicitly mentioned it.

Citing your sources

notion image
Writing is hard when you have a ton of sources to track.
So we made it easy.
Highlight some text, click ‘Cite’ and you’ll see items from your library that contain information related to the selection of text you just highlighted as determined by our AI.
When you select an item Unriddle inserts a link into highlighted text that, when clicked, takes you to the referenced item.

Writing with AI

notion image
Click ‘New’ in the sidebar and hit ‘Note’ to open up a new note.
Here you’ll find all the text formatting options you’re used to and more.
Type ‘++’ to generate text based on the context of what’s already written.
Highlight text and click ‘Ask AI’ to open up the AI menu where you’ll find options to improve, expand, summarize and explain.
You can type custom prompts too!
Finally, you can open any note in a pane on the right side of the screen while interacting with documents. Just click the orange pencil icon at the top of the chat window.
notion image
Adjust the model, temperature and response length in the Setting sidebar.
Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the screen and look for "Chat Settings".
These apply across all documents but you can easily flip between them regardless of settings at the time of upload.
  • Model: the machine learning model used to generate responses.
  • Temperature: the amount of creative license you give to the AI.
  • Max length: the maximum number of words generated in a response.

Got feedback or questions? Send us an email and we'll get back to you within a day.
— Naveed

Growing Challenges In Academic Research

Academic Research
Academic Research

1. Ethics and Society

Academic research is not only a scientific endeavor, but also a social and ethical one, as it affects and is affected by the society in which it operates. Ethics and society are essential aspects of academic research, as they involve the responsibility and accountability of researchers, the protection and participation of research subjects and stakeholders, the integrity and transparency of research processes and outcomes, and the relevance and contribution of research to social issues and challenges.
Therefore, researchers need to adhere to the ethical principles and standards of their disciplines and institutions and engage meaningfully and respectfully with society and the public.

2. Publication and Impact

Publication is a crucial part of academic research, as it enables the dissemination and validation of results, the advancement of knowledge, and the recognition and reward of researchers. However, publication also involves challenges, such as the competition for space in high-impact journals, the pressure to publish frequently and rapidly, the quality and rigor of peer review, and the accessibility and affordability of publications.
Therefore, researchers need to balance the quantity and quality of their publications and consider alternative and emerging modes of publication, such as open access, preprints, and social media.

3. Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration

Academic research is increasingly becoming more interdisciplinary and collaborative, as many complex and global problems require the integration of different perspectives, methods, and disciplines. Interdisciplinarity and collaboration can enhance the quality, diversity, and impact of research and foster innovation and creativity.
However, they also present challenges, such as finding common ground, the potential for conflicts and misunderstandings, and evaluating and recognizing individual contributions. Therefore, researchers need to develop the skills and attitudes to work effectively in interdisciplinary and collaborative teams and respect and value knowledge and expertise diversity.

4. Technology and Innovation

Technology has transformed academic research in many ways, such as enabling faster and more efficient data collection and analysis, facilitating communication and dissemination of results, and creating new possibilities for collaboration and creativity.
However, technology also poses challenges, such as the need to keep up with the latest developments, the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks, and the ethical and legal issues of using new methods and tools. Therefore, researchers need to be aware of the benefits and limitations of technology and innovation and use them responsibly and effectively.
Unriddle.AI allows you to read faster and write better. It allows you to quickly find information in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write with the power of AI. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom. It generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize, and understand information.
Unriddle understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about. Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most appropriate sources from your library using AI. Never lose a citation again. Generate text with AI autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with suggestions based on the context of your work. Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real time and much more!
Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.

Read Faster & Write Better With Unriddle for Free Today

Unriddle is a transformative tool that can aid your academic research endeavors. Imagine never having to endlessly skim through piles of documents to find the information you need. With Unriddle, you can quickly and efficiently find, summarize, and understand information within your documents. This AI assistant can help you simplify complex topics, take notes, and enhance your writing capabilities.

Never Lose a Citation Again

Unriddl.AI can help you keep track of your citations, ensuring you never lose a source again. By highlighting text within your document, Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI. This feature can save you time and effort when citing your work accurately.

AI Autocomplete for Better Writing

One of the most impressive features of Unriddle is its AI autocomplete function. This tool generates text suggestions that can help improve and expand your writing. What's more, all suggestions are based on the context of your work, making it easier for you to produce high-quality academic content.

Collaborative Workspace

Unriddle.AI also offers a collaborative workspace where multiple users can contribute and chat in real time while working within the same document. This feature can be handy for group projects or research endeavors that require teamwork.
Unriddle is a powerful tool that can enhance your research skills and help you produce better academic work. By leveraging AI technology, Unriddle can help you read faster, write better, and simplify complex topics. If you're looking to streamline your research process and improve the quality of your writing, Unriddle is worth a try.

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