15 Best Scholarcy AI Alternative Writing Toolsca

Discover the writing tools that can be alternatives to Scholarcy AI. These innovative solutions will enhance your writing process and productivity.

15 Best Scholarcy AI Alternative Writing Toolsca
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Are you tired of spending hours writing papers and articles? Do you find it challenging to summarize extensive research findings? Scholarcy AI is here to your rescue! With Scholarcy AI, you can now generate Research Summaries effortlessly! If you want to enhance your writing skills and write papers, summaries, and articles more efficiently, this blog will offer valuable insights to help you achieve your goals.
Introducing Unriddle's AI Writing Tool, a feature-rich solution that helps enhance your writing skills and enables you to write papers, summaries, and articles more efficiently. With this tool, you can simplify your research process and save valuable time, allowing you to focus on your writing.

What Is Scholarcy AI?

Scholarcy AI
Scholarcy AI
Scholarcy AI is a game-changer for researchers and academics. This online tool harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to tackle one of the most time-consuming and tedious aspects of research: summarizing lengthy articles, reports, and documents. With Scholarcy AI, users can quickly distill complex academic literature into easy-to-understand summaries that highlight the most critical information. This is a game-changer for anyone who needs to keep up with the latest research in their field or make informed decisions about which papers are most relevant to their work.

Revolutionizing Academic Literature Review

Scholarcy AI's technology is driving a paradigm shift in how people approach academic literature, particularly for those pressed for time or overwhelmed by the sheer volume of research available. This innovative tool is not just for researchers but also for students, journalists, policymakers, and other professionals who need to stay abreast of the latest trends in their field.

Exceptional Accuracy and Comprehensive Summaries

In my experience with Scholarcy AI, I found its summaries exceptionally accurate and comprehensive. The tool uses advanced AI algorithms to identify the key information in a text, ensuring that users get a well-rounded overview of the content. This functionality is invaluable for busy professionals who need to quickly assess the relevance of a research paper or report before deciding whether to read it in full.

Streamlining the Research Process with Scholarcy AI

Scholarcy AI is a powerful tool revolutionizing how we approach academic research. Its ability to condense complex information into digestible summaries makes it an indispensable resource for anyone who needs to stay current in their field. If you have not yet tried Scholarcy AI, I highly recommend it. You will be amazed at how it can streamline your research process and help you make more informed decisions about which papers to prioritize.

Is Scholarcy AI Free?

Scholarcy AI
Scholarcy AI
I did some research and found out that Scholarcy AI offers both free and paid plans. With the free plan, users can import various file formats and summarize up to 3 articles per day. The free version also allows users to export flashcards one at a time. If you need more features and want unlimited access to the summarization tool, you can opt for the paid plan, which is priced at $4.99/month.
The paid plan of Scholarcy AI, priced at $4.99 per month, offers many enhanced features. You can enjoy unlimited summarization, generate enhanced summaries, save your flashcards, take notes, highlight, and edit text. The paid plan also allows users to organize flashcards into collections, export up to 100 flashcards at once, create literature matrices, and generate one-click bibliographies.

Features Of Scholarcy AI

Scholarcy AI
Scholarcy AI

1. Summarize documents in seconds

Scholarcy AI can generate document summaries in seconds. This helps users save time and quickly get to the core of the information presented in the text.

2. Pulls out key facts, figures, limitations

A standout feature of Scholarcy AI is its capability to extract key facts, figures, and limitations from documents. This makes it easier for users to grasp the text's main points and essential information.
Scholarcy AI does not merely present summarized information; it also provides links to the cited reference papers. This functionality allows users to explore the sources further and delve deeper into the topic.

4. Extracts images, tables, and graphs

Besides text-based information, Scholarcy AI can also extract visuals such as images, tables, and graphs from documents. This feature enhances the overall understanding of the content.

5. Available as a Chrome/Edge browser extension

One of the conveniences of Scholarcy AI is that it is available as a browser extension for Chrome and Edge. This accessibility allows users to use the tool while browsing the web easily.

6. Integrates with the Scholarcy Library to store and search summaries

Scholarcy AI can be integrated with the Scholarcy Library, allowing users to store and search summaries. This feature enhances organization and makes it simpler to access the generated content at a later time.

15 Best Scholarcy AI Alternative Writing Tools

Scholarcy AI
Scholarcy AI

1. Unriddle.AI

Unriddle allows you to read faster and write better. Quickly find info in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write with the power of AI. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom.
  • Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize, and understand info. No more endless skimming.
  • Unriddle understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about in the past.
  • Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI. Never lose a citation again.
  • Generate text with AI autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with all suggestions based on the context of what you're working on.
Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real-time, and much more!
Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.

2. Sider AI

Discover the cutting-edge AI tool that condenses lengthy pages, articles, reports, and documents into concise, coherent summaries. Save time and boost productivity by extracting the essence of any text with just a few clicks, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

3. Gist AI

Unlimited, Free summaries of Websites, PDFs, and YouTube videos in 30+ languages—no length restrictions. Deep dive into the summary source or jump directly to key moments in YouTube videos for added clarity. Save time and get more done with Gist AI.

4. Elicit

Ask a research question and return a list of relevant papers from our database of 125 million. Get one-sentence abstract summaries. Select relevant papers and search for more like them. Extract details from papers into an organized table.

5. Otio

Otio facilitates the extraction of key takeaways with detailed AI-generated notes and offers a source-grounded Q&A chat. It helps create draft outputs using the collected sources, allowing users to transition from reading lists to initial drafts faster. Otio also assists in accelerating the writing process for research papers and essays. Noteworthy features include AI-generated notes on all bookmarks, AI-assisted writing, and the ability to chat with individual links or whole knowledge bases, similar to ChatGPT.

6. AI Alfred

With AI Alfred, you can easily summarize any text in seconds. This AI model provides a hassle-free way to generate summaries without requiring you to copy and paste any text or link. All you need is the Extension, which simplifies the process to just a single click. This powerful tool can summarize articles and other content quickly, allowing you to save time and increase productivity. AI Alfred serves as the ultimate friend for summaries, making it easier to digest and comprehend lengthy pieces of text without reading them in their entirety. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, AI Alfred streamlines the process of summarization, enabling you to obtain the key takeaways from any text in seconds.

7. SciSummary

SciSummary is a free AI-powered tool that summarizes scientific articles and research papers using GPT-3 technology.
Summari is an AI tool that provides accurate and quick-to-read text summarization for various types of content. It generates thought-provoking summaries for targeted audiences, is highly scalable, and is highly accurate and consistent.

9. Unsummary

Unsummary is the ultimate AI-powered summarizing tool that business professionals need to stay on top of all the information they’re presented with. It can provide reliable summaries of books, movies, television shows, podcasts, people, and more – so you can quickly understand the gist and move on.
Unsummary uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to generate comprehensive yet concise summaries for maximum comprehension. With this powerful tool at hand, it's easier than ever to stay up-to-date when researching different topics or events without spending much time digesting lengthy content. Make sure that you're always one step ahead with Unsummary! Get Unsummary now and start exploring and converting data into valuable business insights faster than ever before.

10. Upword

Among the Scholarcy alternatives is Upword, which specializes in generating AI summaries for research papers and articles, focusing on academic content. This tool is designed to help users quickly summarize complex academic material, making it an excellent option for researchers, students, and academic professionals who need to distill information into digestible summaries.

11. Adlous AI

Introducing Adlous AI, the ultimate content creation solution designed to help professionals take their marketing strategy to the next level and stay ahead of the curve in today's competitive landscape. Adlous AI is powered by the advanced ChatGPT API which allows users to transform their content game and create precise, on-point content that can be used across a wide range of formats.
Adlous AI boasts an impressive suite of features – from articles and Twitter threads to CTAs – all designed to equip professionals with the tools they need to stand out from their competition. This user-friendly platform makes it easy to get started; simply sign up and connect accounts and Adlous AI does all the heavy lifting. With intuitive control panels, you can monitor performance metrics instantly, while posts are sent out immediately within seconds - saving valuable time for busy professionals in any industry.

12. SummarAIze

SummarAIze is the tool professionals have been waiting for. It helps the user quickly repurpose their content from audio and video into fantastic pieces of engaging, shareable content like social posts, email messages, summaries, quotes, and more. With advanced AI technology that processes audio and video faster than ever and a powerful text engine to ensure everything reads perfectly, SummarAIze gives you more time to focus on other critical aspects of your work. Content creation can be tedious and time-consuming, but SummarAIze ensures that it doesn’t have to be. Start creating amazing content right away with SummarAIze!

13. Scriber

Scriber is a unique Scholarcy alternative that provides summaries and transcripts specifically for YouTube videos. This tool is centered around distilling lengthy video content into bite-sized pieces, making it easier for users to grasp the main points and key takeaways from videos.

14. Quillbot

QuillBot stands out among the Scholarcy alternatives as a paraphrasing tool that leverages AI to rephrase text effectively. This tool is especially useful for those seeking a customizable summarizer that can help them rephrase content to suit specific requirements.

15. SummarizeThis

SummarizeThis is an AI tool that helps you summarize text, PDFs, YouTube videos, and Twitter threads. It has a free iOS app with additional shortcuts and supports open AI API integration to easily summarize any type of content.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Use Unriddle's AI Research Tool

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Unriddle. I’ve also copied it below :)

From here, it's pretty simple.
Unriddle helps you read, write and learn faster.
  1. Interact with documents via AI so you can quickly find and understand info.
  1. Then start writing in a new Note and Unriddle will show you relevant content from your library as you type.
  1. Get started by uploading a document.
  1. Or read on for the full rundown.

Interact with documents

notion image
When you upload a document, Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of this data.
Click 'New' in the right sidebar and then select 'Upload' to get started.
Use this assistant to answer specific questions about the text, summarize content and simplify jargon.
The trick is to be super clear about what you want.
If you're summarizing a research paper, for example, instead of saying “Summarize” or “Summarize this research paper”, say something like “Explain this research paper to me in simple terms. What method did the researchers use? What did they find? Why does it matter?”.
The second prompt will produce a much better overview of the paper because we're giving the AI more hints about what we want.

Automatic relations

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Unriddle grasps the context behind each Note and Document in your library and automatically links them based on meaning.
Let's say you have a collection of nuclear physics papers in your library.
When you start writing a note about The Manhattan Project, simply mentioning "The Manhattan Project" will prompt Unriddle to find the connection between this note and the nuclear physics papers.
Even if you didn't explicitly mention the research papers, Unriddle's knowledge of Oppenheimer, his work, and the significant relevance of these papers means it understands the connection and automatically links them together.
In short, Unriddle shows you relevant content from your library at the exact moment you need it, even if you haven't explicitly mentioned it.

Citing your sources

notion image
Writing is hard when you have a ton of sources to track.
So we made it easy.
Highlight some text, click ‘Cite’ and you’ll see items from your library that contain information related to the selection of text you just highlighted as determined by our AI.
When you select an item Unriddle inserts a link into highlighted text that, when clicked, takes you to the referenced item.

Writing with AI

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Click ‘New’ in the sidebar and hit ‘Note’ to open up a new note.
Here you’ll find all the text formatting options you’re used to and more.
Type ‘++’ to generate text based on the context of what’s already written.
Highlight text and click ‘Ask AI’ to open up the AI menu where you’ll find options to improve, expand, summarize and explain.
You can type custom prompts too!
Finally, you can open any note in a pane on the right side of the screen while interacting with documents. Just click the orange pencil icon at the top of the chat window.

Chat Settings

notion image
Adjust the model, temperature and response length in the Setting sidebar.
Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the screen and look for "Chat Settings".
These apply across all documents but you can easily flip between them regardless of settings at the time of upload.
  • Model: the machine learning model used to generate responses.
  • Temperature: the amount of creative license you give to the AI.
  • Max length: the maximum number of words generated in a response.

Got feedback or questions? Send us an email and we'll get back to you within a day.
— Naveed

Read Faster & Write Better With Unriddle for Free Today

Unriddle is a powerful tool that allows you to read faster and write better. It allows you to quickly locate information in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write using the power of AI. Unriddle is a trusted platform used by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom.

Enhancing Reading and Writing with AI Insights

Unriddle's AI assistant is designed to enhance your reading and writing experience by generating insights and suggestions based on the content you are working with. Unriddle eliminates the need for endless skimming through documents, enabling you to understand the meaning behind the writing quickly. With Unriddle, you can effortlessly connect to relevant information you have previously read or written about, helping you build a comprehensive understanding of your subject matter.

Effortless Source Retrieval and AI-Autocomplete

Unriddle provides a feature that allows you to highlight text, and it will instantly display the most relevant sources from your library using AI. This way, you can easily refer back to your sources and avoid losing any important citations. Unriddle also offers an AI-autocomplete function, which suggests text to improve and enhance your writing based on the context of your work.

Real-Time Collaborative Workspace

Unriddle creates a collaborative workspace where multiple users can contribute and engage with the same documents in real-time. This feature fosters teamwork and communication among individuals working on a single project, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Empowering Research and Writing with AI

Unriddle is a robust tool that empowers users to read faster, write better, and collaborate seamlessly. By leveraging the power of AI, Unriddle significantly improves the research and writing experience, making it an invaluable asset for individuals across various fields and industries.

Ready to take the next big step for your research?

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