12 Best Research Management Software For All Your Needs

Discover the 12 best research management software options to streamline research processes and improve efficiency.

12 Best Research Management Software For All Your Needs
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Research tools are essential for anyone aiming to enhance their writing and efficiently write papers, summaries, and articles with AI. Imagine how much easier it would be to organize your references, streamline your projects, and facilitate collaboration with peers.
This guide will introduce you to the benefits of Research Management Software, helping you explore the complexities of academic writing and achieve your goals effectively.
Looking for a way to streamline your writing and research process? Try Unriddle's AI Research Assistant - the perfect tool to help you write efficient papers, summaries, and articles with AI. With advanced search capabilities, automatic citation, and literature summaries, this tool can transform your writing experience.

What Is A Research Management Software?

Research Management Software
Research Management Software
A Research Management System (RMS) is a software tool or platform designed to assist researchers, institutions, and organizations in managing various aspects of the research process. It provides a centralized and organized approach to handling multiple tasks related to planning, conducting, and monitoring research activities.
The system typically includes features such as proposal and grant management, project organization, compliance tracking, financial management, multiple tools for collaboration, document storage, and reporting capabilities.
RMS helps streamline and optimize the workflow of research projects, making it easier for researchers and administrators to coordinate and manage the different aspects of their work.

Features Of Research Management Software

Research Management Software
Research Management Software

1. Project Planning and Initiation

Research Management Software helps researchers plan and initiate their projects by providing tools for project proposal submission, budgeting, and resource allocation.

2. Collaboration and Communication

These systems often include collaboration features to facilitate collaboration among researchers, teams, and stakeholders. This may involve document sharing, messaging, and collaboration spaces.

3. Grant and Funding Management

Many Research Management Systems assist in managing grants and funding by tracking application processes, monitoring funding sources, and managing financial aspects of research projects.

4. Data Management

Research Management Software often provides tools for organizing, storing, and managing data created by numerous research. This can include data storage solutions, data sharing options, and data security features.

5. Task and Deadline Tracking

RMS helps researchers and project managers keep track of tasks, deadlines, and milestones associated with the research project, promoting timely progress.

6. Reporting and Analytics

These systems typically offer reporting and analytics features to generate insights into research projects’ progress, impact, and business outcomes. This can be valuable for both internal assessments and external reporting.

7. Integration

Research Management Software can integrate with other institutional investors or systems, such as finance, human resources, or academic systems, to streamline administrative processes.

Read Faster & Write Better With Unriddle Today!

Unriddle.AI Allows you to read faster and write better. Quickly find info in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write with the power of AI. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom. Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize, FF, and understand info without endless skimming.
Unriddle.AI Understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about. Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI.
Never lose a citation again. Generate text with AI autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with suggestions based on the context of your work. Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real-time and much more!
Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.

What Is the Use of Research Management Software?

Research Management Software
Research Management Software

1. Enhancing Research Efficiency

A research management system is a powerful tool for enhancing research efficiency across multiple stages of the research process. Automating repetitive tasks, streamlining data collection and analysis, and reducing administrative burden greatly optimize the research workflow. It can help researchers save time and effort, allowing them to focus on the core aspects of their research work.

2. Simplifying Proposal and Grant Management with Research Management System

Research management software simplifies creating, submitting, and tracking research proposals and grant applications. By providing centralized proposal tracking, automated reminders for deadlines, and templates for proposal creation, RMS ensures that researchers can efficiently manage their grant applications and increase their chances of securing funding.

3. Efficient Project Management with Research Management Software

Managing a research project usually involves numerous tasks, timelines, and collaborators. An RMS provides a central platform to plan, organize, and manage projects effectively. Researchers can efficiently manage their projects by offering tools like Gantt charts for timeline tracking, task assignment and progress tracking, and resource allocation and management.

4. Ensuring Compliance and Ethics

Ethical considerations and regulatory compliance are essential in research. An RMS helps researchers manage approvals, human subjects protocols, and other regulatory aspects. Researchers can conduct their work with integrity and transparency by ensuring that research meets ethical standards and regulations.

5. Financial Transparency and Accountability

Research management software offers financial research tools that provide expenditure transparency and control. It helps researchers track budgets, expenses, and financial transactions efficiently. With features like budget tracking and forecasting, expense reporting, and financial audit trails, researchers can stay on top of their financial management.

6. Increasing Collaboration and Communication

Collaboration is a critical aspect of research, and an RMS enhances communication and collaboration among researchers. Through features like integrated messaging and chat tools, shared document repositories, and collaborative workspaces, researchers can easily share information, resources, and updates, fostering a culture of collaboration.

7. Document and Data Management

Organizing research documents, data sets, and materials can be challenging without proper tools. An RMS provides a structured platform for managing documents and data, ensuring everything is organized and easily accessible. Researchers can efficiently manage their research data with secure storage for research data, version control for documents, and easy retrieval of archived materials.

12 Best Research Management Software For All Your Needs

Research Management Software
Research Management Software

1. Unriddle AI

Unriddle.AI is a research management software that allows users to read faster and write better. This tool simplifies complex topics, helps find information in documents, takes notes, and generates an AI assistant on top of any document to find, summarize, and understand information quickly. Unriddle.AI also helps users understand the meaning behind their writing and automatically links them to relevant content they have read and written about. Additionally,
Unriddle enables users to highlight text and show the most relevant sources from their library using AI, preventing the loss of citations. This tool helps generate text with AI autocomplete to enhance and expand writing based on context. It also allows collaborative workspaces where users can contribute and chat with others on documents in real time. The tool is trusted by thousands of researchers and students.

2. Tableau

Tableau is a data visualization tool that connects data from different sources on a single analytics platform. It provides a drag-and-drop interface and interactive dashboards to simplify organizing complex research data.
Users of Tableau can access a wide range of data analysis and sharing options through an interface designed for students, teachers, data scientists, and business owners. However, some limitations users have reported include long loading times for large files, occasional crashing, and bugs in new software versions.

3. MarginNote

MarginNote is a powerful reading tool that aids learners in organizing, studying, and managing large volumes of PDFs and EPUBs. It suits students, teachers, researchers, lawyers, and those eager to learn.
The tool allows users to highlight PDF and EPUB files, take notes, create mind maps, review flashcards, and avoid switching between applications.MarginNote is available on Mac, iPad, and iPhone. However, the user experience may be overwhelming due to the numerous features and hard-to-follow how-to advice.

4. GanttPro

GanttPRO is a resource management system that uses Gantt charts for efficient project management and research organization. Users can import Excel spreadsheets and graphs or use pre-made templates to initiate projects quickly. Among its features, GanttPRO aids in organizing thesis research, business data analysis, wiki pages, and bibliographies. Some limitations include limited customization options in some views and difficulty moving and converting tasks according to user reviews.

5. RefWorks

RefWorks is a web-based reference management software that stores users' reference databases online, enabling access and updates from any internet-connected computer. Institutional licenses allow universities to subscribe to RefWorks for their students, faculty, and staff. Individual licenses are also available. While RefWorks facilitates linking user accounts to electronic journal editions, it is paid software and requires an invitation code from a university for access.

6. Mendeley

Mendeley Desktop is free academic software for organizing, sharing research papers, and generating bibliographies. It offers 1GB of free online storage for library backup and synchronization across desktop, web, and mobile. However, users may need to pay for extra storage, encounter limited group sharing in the free version, and experience non-automatic syncing between computers.

7. KlipFolio

Klipfolio is a business dashboard tool that monitors real-time research data, serving as a metrics-focused platform enabling better decision-making. Users can catalog data, draft reports, organize citations, and create dashboards for end-users. Limitations of Klipfolio include a lack of alerts and notifications, along with some users needing to restart the application after adding elements to their dashboard.

8. Whatagraph

Whatagraph is a reporting tool that manages and visualizes research data with customizable templates for efficient marketing projects. Users can move data, share reports, and build stunning reports. However, some users mention slow responses from customer service and bugs slowing down the research process, while the tool lacks real project management software features.

9. Looker

Looker, also known as Google Looker Studio, is a browser-based data analytics platform emphasizing a unique modeling language for leveraging, analyzing, and visualizing research data. It supports governed and self-service BI, enabling developers to quickly create flexible data and research apps. Limitations include users reporting issues with Google Cloud Pricing and problems with dynamic tables not displaying full-text headers.

10. ReadCube

ReadCube is a desktop and browser-based program for managing, annotating, and accessing academic research articles. It synchronizes users' entire library across devices, including notes, lists, and annotations. Some limitations include limited support for scholars outside Life and Medical Sciences, ineligibility of older or non-OCR PDFs for enhancement, and annotations not being Acrobat-compatible.

11. Bit.AI

Bit.ai is a document collaboration platform focusing on note-taking, creation, and research management. It offers advanced design options, robust search features, powerful document tracking, and real-time collaboration tools for teams across platforms. However, some users encounter issues with document creation user interface trouble, and call for a more user-friendly experience.

12. SciSpace

SciSpace, or Typeset.io, is a powerful research app leveraging AI to save time by discovering and reviewing relevant papers swiftly. It helps users obtain simple answers from papers without requiring extensive reading. However, limitations include issues with LaTeX templates and the free plan lacking major features or reviews on major platforms.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Use Unriddle's AI Research Tool

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Unriddle. I’ve also copied it below :)

From here, it's pretty simple.
Unriddle helps you read, write and learn faster.
  1. Interact with documents via AI so you can quickly find and understand info.
  1. Then start writing in a new Note and Unriddle will show you relevant content from your library as you type.
  1. Get started by uploading a document.
  1. Or read on for the full rundown.

Interact with documents

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When you upload a document, Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of this data.
Click 'New' in the right sidebar and then select 'Upload' to get started.
Use this assistant to answer specific questions about the text, summarize content and simplify jargon.
The trick is to be super clear about what you want.
If you're summarizing a research paper, for example, instead of saying “Summarize” or “Summarize this research paper”, say something like “Explain this research paper to me in simple terms. What method did the researchers use? What did they find? Why does it matter?”.
The second prompt will produce a much better overview of the paper because we're giving the AI more hints about what we want.

Automatic relations

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Unriddle grasps the context behind each Note and Document in your library and automatically links them based on meaning.
Let's say you have a collection of nuclear physics papers in your library.
When you start writing a note about The Manhattan Project, simply mentioning "The Manhattan Project" will prompt Unriddle to find the connection between this note and the nuclear physics papers.
Even if you didn't explicitly mention the research papers, Unriddle's knowledge of Oppenheimer, his work, and the significant relevance of these papers means it understands the connection and automatically links them together.
In short, Unriddle shows you relevant content from your library at the exact moment you need it, even if you haven't explicitly mentioned it.

Citing your sources

notion image
Writing is hard when you have a ton of sources to track.
So we made it easy.
Highlight some text, click ‘Cite’ and you’ll see items from your library that contain information related to the selection of text you just highlighted as determined by our AI.
When you select an item Unriddle inserts a link into highlighted text that, when clicked, takes you to the referenced item.

Writing with AI

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Click ‘New’ in the sidebar and hit ‘Note’ to open up a new note.
Here you’ll find all the text formatting options you’re used to and more.
Type ‘++’ to generate text based on the context of what’s already written.
Highlight text and click ‘Ask AI’ to open up the AI menu where you’ll find options to improve, expand, summarize and explain.
You can type custom prompts too!
Finally, you can open any note in a pane on the right side of the screen while interacting with documents. Just click the orange pencil icon at the top of the chat window.

Chat Settings

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Adjust the model, temperature and response length in the Setting sidebar.
Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the screen and look for "Chat Settings".
These apply across all documents but you can easily flip between them regardless of settings at the time of upload.
  • Model: the machine learning model used to generate responses.
  • Temperature: the amount of creative license you give to the AI.
  • Max length: the maximum number of words generated in a response.

Got feedback or questions? Send us an email and we'll get back to you within a day.
— Naveed

10 Incredible Benefits Of Research Management Software

Research Management Software
Research Management Software

1. Enhanced Resource Allocation

Research Management Software allows businesses to distribute their resources efficiently. By having a clear overview of resource availability and allocation, managers can avoid overburdening specific departments or individuals while optimizing organizational productivity.

2. Improved Project Management

Proper resource allocation is a cornerstone of successful project management. Resource Management Software enables project managers to identify the right talent for each task, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.

3. Boosted Productivity

With streamlined workflows and efficient resource allocation, teams can focus on their core tasks, increasing productivity. Resource Management Software eliminates time-consuming manual processes, freeing valuable time for more critical activities.

4. Cost Savings

Resource Management Software helps businesses cut unnecessary expenses by identifying underutilized resources and eliminating overlaps. Companies can reduce operational costs and improve their bottom line by optimizing resource usage.

5. Real-time Adaptability

In today’s dynamic business environment, adapting quickly is vital. Resource Management Software provides real-time data on resource availability, enabling organizations to respond promptly to unexpected changes or opportunities.

6. Transparency and Accountability

The software fosters transparency and accountability by tracking resource usage and project progress. This encourages a culture of responsibility within the organization and promotes better decision-making.

7. Improved Forecasting

Resource Management Software’s analytical capabilities allow businesses to forecast future resource requirements accurately. Organizations can plan strategically and avoid potential resource shortages by clearly showing upcoming demands.

8. Enhanced Collaboration

According to Project.co, 94% of people believe resource management software can improve collaboration with teammates. The software promotes collaboration by providing a centralized platform where teams can effectively communicate, share information, and coordinate efforts.

9. Compliance and Regulation

Resource Management Software helps businesses comply with industry regulations and internal policies by ensuring that resources are used according to established guidelines.

10. Scalability

As businesses grow and evolve, their resource needs change, too. Resource Management Software offers scalability, allowing organizations to adapt their resource management strategies as they expand.

Read Faster & Write Better With Unriddle Today!

Unriddle.AI Allows you to read faster and write better. Quickly find info in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write with the power of AI. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom. Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize, and understand no more endless skimming.
Unriddle.AI understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about. Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI. Never lose a citation again. Generate text with AI autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with suggestions based on the context of your work. Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real time and much more.
Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.

Read Faster & Write Better With Unriddle for Free Today

Unriddle.AI is a cutting-edge research management software that revolutionizes the way you read and write. Its AI-powered features help you read faster, simplify complex topics, and write better. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, offering a game-changing AI assistant that enhances productivity.

Find Info Faster and Simplify Complex Topics with Unriddle

Unriddle's AI assistant unlocks the power of understanding and simplifying complex topics. Say goodbye to endless skimming through documents. Unriddle offers a more efficient way to quickly find, summarize, and understand information. You can access the most relevant sources from your library using AI by highlighting text. With Unriddle, you will never lose a citation again.

Enhance Your Writing with AI-autocomplete

Unriddle's AI autocomplete feature offers suggestions based on the context of what you're working on, improving and expanding your writing. These AI-generated suggestions help you produce more cohesive and well-rounded research papers, essays, or reports.

Collaborate in Real-Time for Greater Productivity

Unriddle provides a collaborative workspace where multiple users can contribute and chat while working on the same document. This feature allows researchers, students, and professionals to work together seamlessly. By stepping into this real-time collaborative workspace, you can enhance productivity and foster creativity among team members.

Improve Your Research Workflow with Unriddle Today

Unriddle is your go-to research management software for reading faster and writing better. By leveraging AI technology, Unriddle streamlines your research process and equips you with powerful tools to enhance your productivity and creativity. Don't miss out on this innovative research management software—try Unriddle for free today.

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