Elicit AI Features, Pros, Cons, and Alternative Tools

Discover Elicit AI's features, pros, and cons. Explore top alternatives to Elicit AI for enhanced productivity and efficiency in your tasks.

Elicit AI Features, Pros, Cons, and Alternative Tools
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Whether students, researchers, or writers, research tools are crucial in our work. For example, suppose you're working on a paper and need to gather information from various sources and analyze data. What if there was a way to streamline this process, making your writing more efficient and actionable?
In this guide, we'll explore how Elicit Ai's writing tool can help you enhance your writing skills, enabling you to write papers, summaries, and articles more effectively, all with AI's help.
Elicit AI's AI Writing Tool enhances your writing and produces efficient papers, summaries, and articles.

What Is Elicit AI?

Elicit Ai
Elicit Ai
Elicit AI is a groundbreaking research tool powered by artificial intelligence that functions as a research assistant. This innovative tool is designed to streamline research by automating typically time-consuming tasks like conducting literature reviews.
The primary function of Elicit AI is to analyze and extract relevant information from research papers based on user queries, even in cases where there may not be a perfect keyword match. In this way, Elicit AI revolutionizes the research experience by saving users significant time and effort, making tedious research tasks far more manageable.

How does Elicit AI work?

Elicit AI uses advanced language models to scour vast research paper databases to find the most relevant sources for a user's query. The tool then provides summaries of key findings within these papers, allowing users to quickly extract essential information without reading through entire documents.
This feature is particularly useful for individuals who need to access a large volume of research quickly, as Elicit AI can efficiently summarize key takeaways in a fraction of the time it would take to read full papers. Additionally, Elicit AI can assist with tasks such as brainstorming, text categorization, and summarization, further enhancing its utility as a comprehensive research tool.

How can Elicit AI benefit researchers?

Elicit AI is an invaluable resource for researchers, academics, and professionals who must stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field by quickly summarizing and extracting key information from research papers.
Elicit AI allows users to efficiently navigate large volumes of information, facilitating more informed decision-making and accelerating the research process. Additionally, Elicit AI can help users discover new research sources and identify trends within their field, providing valuable insights that inform future research projects.

The Significance of Elicit AI in Research

Elicit AI represents a significant advancement in research technology. It offers researchers a powerful tool to enhance their productivity and streamline the research process, automating tasks such as literature reviews and summarizing key information from research papers.
Elicit AI effectively removes many barriers researchers face when accessing and analyzing large volumes of information. With its user-friendly interface and advanced functionality, Elicit AI is poised to become an essential tool for researchers across various disciplines, providing an efficient and effective solution to the challenges of conducting research in the digital age.

Is Elicit AI Free?

Elicit Ai
Elicit Ai
Elicit AI offers a free Basic plan with 5,000 one-time credits and limited features. Once your credits run out, you won't be able to run new workflows until you upgrade your plan for more credits. However, you can still review your past work even if you hit the credit limit. Besides, they provide a Plus subscription at $10 per month or $120 annually (with a 20% discount). This subscription gets you 12,000 credits monthly and allows you to export results to CSV and BIB.

Read faster & write better With Unriddle.

Unriddle.ai Allows you to read faster and write better. Quickly find info in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write with the power of AI. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom. Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize, and understand info.
No more endless skimming. Unriddle understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about. Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI. Never lose a citation again. Generate text with AI autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with suggestions based on the context of your work. Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real time and much more. Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.
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Features Of Elicit AI

Elicit Ai
Elicit Ai

AI-Powered Search: Finding Relevant Scientific Papers

Elicit AI leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the search process for users. The AI-powered search feature lets users quickly find the most relevant scientific papers without drowning in irrelevant documents.

Summarization: Understanding Complex Scientific Papers

Using AI to summarize scientific papers, Elicit AI provides concise and easy-to-understand summaries of complex research papers.

Citation Analysis: Gaining Insights into Research Impact

Elicit AI enables researchers to gain insights into the credibility and impact of research by analyzing the citations of scientific papers.

Integration with Reference Management Tools: Streamlining Research Workflow

Elicit AI's integration with reference management tools like Zotero is a valuable asset for researchers. This integration makes managing and organizing research sources easier by allowing users to import papers and citations directly into their preferred reference management software.

Web Scraping: Accessing Diverse Data Sources

The web scraping feature in Elicit AI is a treasure trove for researchers. By scraping data from websites and documents, Elicit AI provides users with a wide range of data sources to analyze and summarize.

10 Best Elicit AI Alternative Tools For Academic Research

Elicit Ai
Elicit Ai

1. Unriddle.AI

Unriddle is an enhanced tool that uses AI to enhance reading speed and writing quality. This tool generates an AI assistant for any document, streamlining the findings, summarizing, and understanding information. With Unriddle, you can quickly locate information in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write effectively.
The tool boasts an AI-autocomplete feature that generates text suggestions based on context, improving and extending your writing. In addition, Unriddle's collaborative workspace feature allows real-time document contribution and chat for enhanced teamwork.


  • Accelerates reading and writing processes
  • Simplifies complex topics and aids in note-taking
  • The AI-autocomplete feature enhances writing quality
  • Collaborative workspace for real-time collaboration


  • The free plan may be limited in features
  • The tool may not cover all types of research topics
  • Limited customization options for personal preferences
  • It may require some time to adapt to the tool's functions


  • Free trial available
  • Premium plan starts at a competitive price

2. Consensus

Consensus is an AI-powered search engine that analyzes academic papers to provide evidence-based answers to yes/no questions. The tool focuses on economics, sleep, social policy, medicine, and mental health.
Consensus aims to provide quick and reliable answers supported by consensus in the academic community, offering a list of papers used to reach conclusions. While Consensus offers valuable insights, it may not cover all research topics or provide in-depth details or context for complex subjects.


  • Provides evidence-based answers to Yes/No questions
  • Relies on peer-reviewed, published sources for information
  • Utilizes natural language processing for efficiency
  • The ad-free platform for unbiased results


  • Limited coverage of research topics
  • May lack context for complex or controversial topics
  • Potential delay in reflecting the latest research
  • The quality of individual papers not critically appraised


  • Free plan available
  • Premium plan and Teams plan at affordable rates

3. Jasper

Jasper is an AI tool designed to assist with various writing tasks, such as identifying core arguments, creating outlines, generating titles, and crafting introductions and conclusions. The tool offers basic editing functions, grammar checking, and rephrasing capabilities, making it an ideal aid for writing tasks.
With Jasper, users can access templates, including around 60 predefined templates for different types of writing. While Jasper provides valuable writing assistance, it may require user involvement, especially in guiding the tool through the writing process.


  • Facilitates various writing tasks, including generating titles and outlines
  • Offers basic editing functions for improved writing quality
  • Provides templates for different types of writing tasks
  • Suitable for cover letters and emails to editors


  • Requires user guidance in the writing process
  • Learning curve for full utilization of tool features
  • Credits are not carried over to the next month
  • The paraphrasing function has limitations for longer paragraphs


  • The Creator plan and Pro plan are available at competitive prices

4. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a popular, free search engine that indexes scholarly literature, including articles, theses, conference papers, and more. The tool enables users to search by keywords, author names, or publication titles, providing links to full-text articles, abstracts, and citations.
Google Scholar offers tools to track citations, find related articles, and manage citations in different formats. While Google Scholar is a widely used research tool, it lacks advanced search filters and may not provide full-text access to all articles.


  • Indexes a broad range of scholarly literature
  • Free search engine for academic resources
  • User-friendly interface for ease of use
  • Tools for tracking citations and finding related articles
  • Offers options to track citations, find related articles, and manage citations


  • Limited search filters
  • No full-text access to most articles
  • Content not organized by subject or material type
  • Does not identify 'peer-reviewed' sources


  • Free

5. Avidnote

Avidnote, a SaaS software from Sweden, offers AI tools focused on aiding researchers. The tool features time-saving templates, a user-friendly interface, and a free version for basic research needs. While Avidnote can be beneficial for general research tasks, it may not be suitable for highly specific research topics due to potential limitations in coverage.


  • Time-saving templates for research
  • Free plan available for basic research tasks
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface


  • Not ideal for highly specific research topics
  • Limited coverage for specialized research needs


  • Free plan available
  • Professional plan and Premium plan available at competitive prices

6. Zotero

Zotero is a versatile tool that automatically detects research on the internet, covering a wide range of sources like JSTOR, ArXiv.org, The New York Times, and libraries. The tool allows users to organize research items into collections, tag them, and create saved searches that auto-fill with relevant materials.
Zotero offers collaborative features for co-writing papers, distributing course materials, and building bibliographies. While Zotero is a robust research tool, it may require a desktop/laptop application for full feature utilization.


  • Covers a diverse range of research sources
  • Easy organization of research items
  • Collaborative group libraries for teamwork
  • Integration with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice


  • Requires desktop/laptop application for full features
  • Limited free cloud storage
  • No mobile app for Android
  • Limited customer support services


  • Free plan available, with paid cloud storage upgrades

7. Scite.AI

Scite is an AI-powered app that evaluates article credibility by providing real citations to published papers. The tool aids in obtaining evidence-based answers quickly and efficiently, offering a handy Chrome extension for easy access. While Scite offers valuable features, subscription costs may be a barrier for some users, and limited full-text access could be a drawback for in-depth research.


  • Assesses article credibility efficiently
  • AI assistant for evidence-based answers
  • Handy Chrome extension for easy access


  • Subscription costs may be a hurdle for some users
  • Limited full-text access due to publisher agreements


  • 7-day free trial
  • Monthly and yearly plans are available

8. Research Rabbit

Research Rabbit is an AI-powered tool designed to speed up research processes. It offers personalized digests of the latest papers related to user interests. The tool utilizes AI to help researchers save time, visualize papers, and discover author networks. While Research Rabbit is a valuable research aid, it may not cover all relevant sources for specific research topics and may have limitations in handling complex queries.


  • AI-powered tool for time-saving research processes
  • Visualizes papers and author networks using interactive graphs
  • Offers personalized digests of the latest papers


  • It may not cover all relevant sources for specific research topics
  • May not handle complex queries accurately
  • Limited customization options for user preferences


  • Free

9. ChatPDF

ChatPDF is an AI-powered app streamlines reading and analyzing journal articles through an intuitive chat interface. The tool allows users to interact with PDF documents naturally, asking questions and receiving relevant information extracted from the document. While ChatPDF offers a generous free plan, it may lack certain features, like a Chrome extension or private document functionality.


  • User-friendly chat interface for document interaction
  • Multilingual support for global accessibility
  • Generous free plan for daily document processing


  • Lack of Chrome extension for added convenience
  • Absence of private document functionality for enhanced data privacy


  • Free plan available
  • Plus, plan at an affordable price

10. Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar provides free, AI-driven search and discovery tools for the research community. The tools aim to quickly understand and discover scholarly papers. They extract meaning from papers and identify connections to support researchers' work.
While Semantic Scholar offers comprehensive access to scholarly publications, it may have limitations in user interface customization and popularity compared to other research tools like Google Scholar.


  • Provides free AI-driven search and discovery tools
  • Extracts meaning from papers and identifies connections
  • Recommendations for related articles based on search history


  • Less popular compared to Google Scholar
  • Limited user interface customization options


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Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Use Unriddle's AI Research Tool

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Pros and Cons Of Elicit AI

Elicit Ai
Elicit Ai


1. Time-Saving

Elicit has been reported to save users up to 5 hours per week by automating time-consuming research tasks. This efficiency allows researchers to focus more on analysis and interpretation, enhancing the quality of their work.

2. Cost-Effective

Pilot projects have demonstrated Elicit's ability to cut research groups' costs and time by 50% by automating data extraction tasks previously done manually. By streamlining research processes, Elicit offers a cost-effective solution for organizations looking to optimize resource allocation.

3. Highly Accurate

Though imperfect, Elicit strives for high accuracy in its outputs and provides sources for verification, fostering trust in its synthesized findings. The tool's transparency enables researchers to trace back and verify information, enhancing the credibility of their work.

4. Flexible and Accessible

With free and paid plan options, Elicit is accessible to individual researchers, teams, and institutions, offering tailored solutions to diverse research needs. This adaptability ensures that researchers at all levels can effectively leverage the tool's capabilities.


5. Learning Curve

New users may require time to familiarize themselves with the tool's advanced features and full capabilities. The learning curve associated with Elicit could potentially hinder immediate productivity gains, requiring a period of adjustment for optimal utilization.

6. Limited to Empirical Research

Elicit is optimized for empirical domains involving experiments and concrete results, which may limit its applicability in theoretical or non-empirical areas. Researchers in fields heavily relying on qualitative data may find the tool-less suitable for their specific research needs.

7. Accuracy Concerns

While Elicit aims for high accuracy, the reliance on AI means that users should verify the synthesized information, which could add an extra step to the research process. Researchers must take the additional step of validation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their research findings.

Try Unriddle for Free today!

Unriddles read faster and write better. Quickly find info in documents, simplify complex topics, take notes, and write with the power of AI. Unriddle is trusted by thousands of researchers and students, from the classroom to the boardroom. Unriddle generates an AI assistant on top of any document so you can quickly find, summarize, and understand info.
No more endless skimming. Unriddle understands the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant things you’ve read and written about. Highlight text and Unriddle will show you the most relevant sources from your library using AI.
Never lose a citation again. Generate text with AI autocomplete to improve and expand your writing, with suggestions based on the context of your work. Step into a collaborative workspace where everyone can contribute and chat with the same documents in real time and much more. Read faster & write better — try Unriddle for free today.

Who Uses Elicit AI?

Elicit Ai
Elicit Ai

Academic Researchers

1. Leveraging Elicit AI for conducting literature reviews and synthesizing findings across numerous papers

Academic researchers can benefit from Elicit AI by utilizing its advanced search capabilities to source and compile information from various academic papers.
The tool's ability to analyze and extract key insights from vast volumes of text allows researchers to efficiently conduct literature reviews to identify trends and patterns across multiple studies. This feature enables scholars to synthesize findings, compare methodologies, and draw comprehensive conclusions from various academic sources.


2. Employing Elicit to stay informed on the latest research developments in biotechnology

Biotechnologists can leverage Elicit AI to stay abreast of the latest advancements in their field. By streamlining the process of identifying and accessing relevant research papers, the tool empowers biotechnologists to remain informed about cutting-edge discoveries, technological breakthroughs, and emerging trends.
Elicit's ability to provide curated updates on the most recent publications ensures that biotechnology professionals can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge in their research endeavors.

Machine Learning Professionals

3. Using the tool to find relevant datasets and research papers in the fast-evolving field of machine learning

Machine learning professionals can benefit significantly from Elicit AI's data-sourcing capabilities. In the rapidly evolving realm of machine learning, access to the most current datasets and research findings is essential for driving innovation and staying competitive.
By harnessing Elicit's search functions and data extraction tools, professionals can quickly and efficiently locate the resources they need to advance their projects, develop new models, and contribute to the continual progress of the field.

Healthcare Professionals

4. Utilizing Elicit for researching medical issues and advancements

Healthcare professionals can harness the power of Elicit AI to conduct in-depth research on medical topics and advancements. With the tool's ability to sift through vast amounts of medical literature and distill relevant information, healthcare professionals can stay informed about the latest treatments, technologies, and breakthroughs.
By using Elicit to access up-to-date research papers and clinical studies, healthcare professionals can enhance their knowledge base, improve patient care, and contribute to the advancement of medical science.

Uncommon Use Cases

Elicit AI can be a valuable resource for policy analysts seeking evidence-based insights. Policy analysts can access information to inform their recommendations and decisions by leveraging the tool's data aggregation and analysis capabilities.
Similarly, legal researchers can benefit from Elicit's ability to identify precedents, relevant case law, and academic discussions related to legal topics. By streamlining the process of locating and synthesizing legal information, Elicit empowers legal researchers to conduct thorough and comprehensive analyses, ultimately enhancing the quality of their work.

Read Faster & Write Better With Unriddle for Free Today

Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a student delving into the intricate realm of academia, having a reliable research tool can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. Enter Unriddle, the transformed AI-powered assistant designed to help you read faster and write better easily and precisely.
Unriddle.ai is not your average research tool. It goes beyond the confines of traditional search engines by generating an AI assistant on top of any document, allowing you to quickly find, summarize, and understand information. The tool simplifies complex topics, making it effortlessly easier for you to navigate the complexities of academic research.
Say goodbye to endless skimming as Unriddle.ai Comprehends the meaning behind your writing and automatically links you to relevant information you have read and written about in the past.

Text Highlighting and Citation Management

Unriddle makes text highlighting in documents simple and efficient. Its AI identifies the most relevant sources from your library, ensuring you never lose a citation. The AI-autocomplete feature provides text suggestions based on your work's context, helping you enhance and expand your writing effortlessly.
Unriddle is an AI-powered writing assistant that seamlessly guides you through the creative process. It offers contextual suggestions, making improving your writing and maintaining a smooth workflow easier.

Real-Time Collaboration

Unriddle excels at fostering collaboration in research. It provides a collaborative workspace where users can contribute and chat with the same documents in real-time. This platform enables researchers and students to share ideas and work towards common goals, enhancing productivity and idea flow.
Unriddle.ai is vital for any researcher or student to streamline their research process and boost their writing skills. Elicit Ai has outdone itself with this innovative tool, raising the bar for research tools in the industry. Ready to take your research and writing to the next level? Try Unriddle for free today and experience the power of AI in action.
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